Below are the top 5 diseases of Filipinos according to Doc Willie and here’s an explanation to this.
DOC WILLIE ONG – The list below are the top diseases as per Doc Willie Ong which are also considered as leading causes of death of Filipinos.
According to Department of Health, the following conditions and health problems are the leading causes of death in the Philippines:
- diseases of the heart
- diseases of the vascular system
- pneumonias
- malignant neoplasms/cancers
- all forms of tuberculosis
- accidents
- COPD and allied conditions
- diabetes mellitus
- nephritis/nephritic syndrome and other diseases of respiratory system

These diseases are accordingly surprising as it killed more than any other causes. They affect various parts of the body in different ways but there are actually ways to prevent this such as healthy diet, physical activity and avoiding tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol.
Meanwhile, as per post of the public health expert Doc Willie Ong, here are the top 5 diseases that most Filipinos have:
- Hypertension
140 over 90 is already considered as a high blood pressure and the best way to avoid this is maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding high sodium intake, and to be physically active. (See: High Blood Pressure: What Are The Foods and Drinks You Must Take?) - Diabetes
Numbness, being thirsty most of the time, frequent urination, and sudden weight loss without dieting are probable symptoms of this condition. To avoid sweet and fatty foods can help lower blood sugar. (See: Diabetes Symptoms: Common Symptoms You Shouldn’t Neglect) - High Cholesterol
Over 200 mg/dl is already an indication of high cholesterol which means you have to do a healthy diet. (See: High Cholesterol – Its Common Causes & How To Lower It As To Doc Liza Ong) - Kidney Disease
This condition is usually associated to diabetes and high blood pressure and there are certain warning signs if you have a damaged kidney such as oainful urination, inflammation in face or feet, and among others. (See: Kidney Failure Signs – Dr. Willie Ong Names Symptoms of Damaged Kidney) - Cancer
There are certain types of cancer and most of it don’t have cure yet. Tomatoes, carrots, and squash are highly regarded as anti-cancer foods along with green tea, curry powder, garlic, onion, leeks, cabbage, cauliflower, tofu, eggplant, and many others. (See: Cancer Warning Signs – List of What You Must Not Ignore)
- Doc Willie [Ong]: Health Warnings That Your Body Wastes Tell You
- Doc Willie Tips If You Have Eye Bags and Dark Circles
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