Effects Of Sugar In The Body – Its Sweet Dangers

Effects Of Sugar

These are some of the effects of sugar in the body if consumed excessively for a long period of time EFFECTS OF SUGAR – If consumed excessively for a long period of time, this is what happens to the body – the sweet dangers of sugar. Sugar is a carbohydrate that provides energy to the … Read more

Sleep Hygiene – What Is This and What To Do?

Sleep Hygiene

What is sleep hygiene and how to have this? To have a good night’s rest, you must have a good sleep hygiene and here are some tips on how to do this to have an uninterrupted sleep. If you’ve been tossing around for hours in your bed and waking up again and again, this kind … Read more

High Cortisol Levels – How To Lower This?

High Cortisol Levels

How to lower your high cortisol levels? Find out below! HIGH CORTISOL LEVELS – How do you reduce your stress hormones? High levels can cause health problems and here are some ways to lower this. Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands. They work as messengers to the body through the blood controlling some body … Read more

Brushing Tips – When Not To Brush Your Teeth?

Brushing Tips

Here are some brushing tips you must know. BRUSHING TIPS – According to experts, there are times when you must avoid brushing your teeth as it could be damaging. It is recommended to brush our teeth twice daily for at least two minutes each time. This recommendation is from the American Dental Association. However, there … Read more

Vitamin B12 Foods – The Best Sources

Vitamin B12 Foods

The top 12 best Vitamin B12 foods you must eat! VITAMIN B12 FOODS – These are the foods that are packed with this particular vitamin and must be included in your diet. The vitamin that is not naturally produced by the body and supports several vital functions is the Vitamin B12. Most healthy adults get … Read more

Foods With Magnesium and Why You Need Them

Foods With Magnesium

What are the healthy foods with magnesium and the reasons why the body need this mineral. FOODS WITH MAGNESIUM – This mineral is needed by the body for many reasons and these are the various foods that are both healthy and loaded with this. A mineral that is essential for healthy muscles, nerves, bones and … Read more

Signs Of Infertility In Women – Here’s A List

Signs Of Infertility

What are the signs of infertility in women? Find out below! SIGNS OF INFERTILITY – There are many reasons as to why a woman can’t get pregnant and here are some signs that indicate this. If you and your partner are struggling to have a baby, you have to know that you are not alone. … Read more

PCOS Infertility – Treatment and Health Risks Of This Disorder

PCOS Infertility

What to know about PCOS infertility and the treatment. PCOS INFERTILITY – Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a health problem that may lead to infertility and here’s what you can do to manage this. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects women who are in their child-bearing age. This condition may display several signs … Read more