High Blood Pressure: What Are The Foods and Drinks You Must Take?

Here are some foods and drinks for people with high blood pressure that they must take.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE – To beat high blood pressure and avoid complications, there are some foods and drinks out there which are a great help.

Tagged as the “silent killer”, the condition called high blood pressure also known as hypertension has surely claimed a lot of lives. One of its dangers is it is also associated to other dangerous health conditions and can lead to other complications such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and among others.

High Blood Pressure

Now, in order to prevent high blood pressure and control control your blood pressure, here are the types of foods you must eat:

  • foods lower in fat, salt, and calories
  • use spices and herbs, vinegar, lemon or fruit juices to flavor the food not salt
  • less oil, butter, margarine, shortening, and salad dressings
  • avoid fried foods, fatty meats, deli meats, and salted snacks
  • avoid eating fast foods and whole milk dairy products
  • eat foods high in dietary fiber such as whole grain breads, cereals, pasta, fresh fruit, and vegetables
  • always read labels and choose foods that has “sodium-free,” “low sodium,” and “unsalted” mark on it
  • avoid alcoholic drinks as per article from Cleveland Clinic

Meanwhile, there is also a variety of drinks that is available and good for people with hypertension like the Apple cider vinegar with some honey in a glass of water every morning, lemon water, Chia seeds infused water, and low or non-fat milk.

Aside from monitoring your nutrition and food intake, lifestyle changes also help a lot in order to control your blood pressure. As such, some helpful tips include weight loss, regular exercise, quitting on smoking, cut back on caffeine, reducing stress, and many other ways.


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