Lower Blood Pressure By Doing These Upgrades To Your Meal

Healthy Spices, Lower Blood Pressure

Here are some meal upgrades that can lower blood pressure. Check it out below! LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE – These are the upgrades and additional you can do to your meal that may help lower your blood pressure. A silent killer is a hypertension and this condition is called for a reason. It can happen without … Read more

Breakfast Foods and How To Make These Common Foods Healthier

Breakfast Foods

This is how you can upgrade these breakfast foods to become healthier. BREAKFAST FOODS – Here are some of the most common foods and several ways to upgrade them to make them even healthier. It was said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It kickstarts your metabolism and the foods you … Read more

Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss? Here Are The Popular Ways

Intermittent Fasting

Here are some of the popular ways of intermittent fasting, which is said to be effective to lose weight. INTERMITTENT FASTING – This famous health trend can be done in various and here’s what this weight loss method can do to your body. An eating pattern where there is an alternating cycle you follow to … Read more

Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention – Can MIND Diet Help Prevent This?

MIND Diet, Alzheimer's Disease

Does following the MIND diet can do something to reverse Alzheimer’s disease or prevent it? ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE – The MIND diet is designed to prevent loss of brain function as a person gets older, will this also reverse Alzheimer’s Disease? A neurodegenerative disease that’s progressing through time can cause memory loss and confusion and it affects … Read more

Benefits Of Morning Walk – How It Affects Your Health

Benefits Of Morning Walk

Here are the benefits of morning walk if you are doing this on a regular basis. BENEFITS OF MORNING WALK – This is what morning walking if done daily and regularly, can affect your health – physically and mentally. Being physically active plays a great part in living a holistic healthy life. Apart from eating … Read more

Potato Benefits – The Health Benefits Of Eating Potato

Potato Benefits

What are the potato benefits? How beneficial is it for the body? POTATO BENEFITS – Here are the health and nutritional benefits of eating potatoes that you probably don’t know yet. This humble and relatively cheap to grow root crop called potato is actually rich in nutrients. It can be cooked in various ways and … Read more

Oral Health – Habits That Can Harm and Destroy Your Teeth

Oral Health

Here are the habits that can destroy your oral health and teeth. ORAL HEALTH – Your teeth are important and these bad habits can destroy and harm them so steer away from these tooth-damaging habits. The teeth chew our food which makes it essential for our physical health and other bodily functions. It chews the … Read more