Mood Disorders Alarming Signs and Symptoms That You Should Know

What are mood disorders? How does it differ from mood changes? Here are the signs and symptoms.

MOOD DISORDERS – These are the alarming signs of mood disorders you must know in order to avoid any mental health complications.

There are several types of mood disorders and major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorder are just among them. There are also various triggering factors like traumatic and unfortunate life events, health conditions, and substance abuse.

Mood Disorders Symptoms
Photo lifted from ED Times

Although mood changes are normal, what makes it different from the disorder is the intensity of the feelings. A psychiatrist or mental health professional may diagnose a person with this after a thorough psychiatric and medical history evaluation.

Here are some symptoms:

  • sadness, anxiousness, and emptiness over a long period of time
  • hopelessness and helplessness
  • low self-esteem
  • lack of self-value and feeling of worthlessness
  • intense guilt
  • thinking of harming yourself or wishing to die
  • loss of interest in almost everything that you usually enjoy doing
  • relationship problems
  • sleeping problems or sleeping too much
  • unexplainable changes in appetite and weight
  • lack of energy
  • having troubles concentrating
  • indecisiveness
  • physical pains such as headache, stomachache, or tiredness and it don’t get better even with treatments
  • thinking of running away or expressing threats to run away
  • very sensitive to failures and rejections
  • irritability, hostility, or aggression

One must immediately seek medical help right away if experiencing such symptoms. This is most especially if the person already poses danger to himself or other people, wanting to die, hearing and seeing things that do not exist, unable to address basic needs, and having thoughts to harm himself.

There are some ways where you can eventually lower the risk to have this condition. Avoiding substances and alcohol, doing things that make you happy, being social, sleeping enough, and exercising regularly are just some that vyou can do as per an article from Health Grades.


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