How To Calm Anxiety Attack? Here Are Some Tips To Help

Some tips on how to calm anxiety attack and if you’ve been feeling anxious from time to time.

HOW TO CALM ANXIETY ATTACK – Everyone feels anxious and if you’re feeling like having an anxiety attack, here are some tips to help you manage it.

Anxiety is a normal emotion. It is what we feel when we are reacting to something that is kind of stressing us or something that will alert us to potential danger ahead. We feel anxious every now and then.

How To Calm Anxiety Attack
Photo lifted from Medicine Net

SEE: Anxiety Triggers: What Causes Anxiety and How To Manage It

However, having an anxiety disorder is a different case. this is overwhelming and constantly makes you feel fear. And having this may eventually take a toll on external factors like your relationship with other people and affect your productivity in work, school, family get-togethers, or other social situations.

If m you have been experiencing anxiety attacks, here are some tips that might help you ease it:

  • Avoid drinking anything that has caffeine in it including any drink that has alcohol.
  • One of the things to make things feel lighter is by writing them down. Studies proved that this is a healthy way to reduce stress.
  • Fragrances like lavender have a calming effect.
  • Talking to a professional or talking to friends may help.
  • Move around like taking a walk.
  • Drink water to relax. Being dehydrated also leads to heart palpitation which can cause panic that triggers an anxiety attack.
  • Give yourself some time alone to assess things around you.
  • Get yourself away from any gadgets.
  • Eat something healthy.

Panic attacks have physical symptoms like sweating, rapid breathing, and a racing heartbeat. Emotionally, you may display feelings of fear and anxiety, intense worrying, and you have this feeling of an impending doom.


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