Why Does My Back Hurt? Here Are The Causes Of Back Pain

Many people always ask ‘why does my back hurt’ and here are the reasons behind it.

WHY DOES MY BACK HURT – These are the possible reasons behind your back pain and what you can do to prevent this from happening again.

Back pain is a very common condition and there are many things that can cause it. It can lead to discomfort and is also a result of injury, activity, or some medical conditions.

Why Does My Back Hurt
Photo lifted from Spine Universe

There are also several factors that might put a person at a greater risk of developing back pain such as the following:

  • age
  • lack of exercise
  • excess weight
  • diseases
  • improper lifting
  • lifting too heavy materials
  • an abrupt movement
  • psychological conditions
  • smoking

Among the frequent causes of back pain includes strained muscles or ligaments, muscle spasms, muscle tension, damaged disks, injuries, fractures, and falls.

Meanwhile, here are some structural problems causing this:

  1. Ruptured disks
  2. Bulging disks
  3. Sciatica
  4. Arthritis
  5. Abnormal curvature of the spine
  6. Osteoporosis
  7. Kidney problems

The good news is that back pain can be prevented if a person would observe to move around in a smart way – stand smart, sit smart, and lift smart.

If you must stand, remember to never slouch and maintain a good posture. If you’d have to sit for a long time, make sure to put a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back to maintain your back’s normal curve. Also, change your position at least every half-hour.

There are certain indications as well to consider which signals you have to see a doctor such the persisting pain for a few weeks, getting severe and doesn’t improve with rest, the pain spreading on one or both legs, causing weakness, numbness, or tingling in one or both legs, and happening with unexplained weight loss according to a post from Mayo Clinic.


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