High Potassium Symptoms: The Signs You Must Not Ignore | Hyperkalemia

Guide on Hyperkalemia or High Potassium Symptoms You Must Not Take for Granted

HIGH POTASSIUM SYMPTOMS – Here is a guide on the health signs that you must not ignore as they may be pointing to hyperkalemia.

There are several health conditions now that are affecting more and more people. Undeniably, most of these are due to the unhealthy lifestyle that many individuals unconsciously live.

Some of these health conditions were not given attention until they were already exhibited by unbearable symptoms. Truth be told that most people are not alarmed with common health signs and those that can easily be relieved.

However, to stay healthy, any symptom of sickness or disease must not be taken for granted. What if the signs that you are feeling now already point to high potassium in the blood or hyperkalemia? Taking them for granted may lead to heart diseases.

High Potassium Symptoms

Undeniably, a low potassium level in the blood is a more popular health condition than a high potassium level or hyperkalemia. When a person has low potassium, one of the first tendencies is the inability to walk or feel the lower part of the body.

With regards to the other side of this health condition, the high potassium symptoms may also appear as mild and common signs. Thus, many people are not able to detect it until it led to another health condition. Based on an article on Cleveland Clinic, the high potassium symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, heart palpitations, muscle weakness, limb numbness, nausea, and vomiting.

According to the article, high levels of potassium in the blood may be due to a diet that is rich in potassium or other health conditions like diabetes, kidney disease, and congestive heart failure.

The average potassium level of an adult is between 3.5and 5.0 millimoles. Going above 5.5 millimoles may result in heart problems.

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