Nausea While Exercising? These Are The Reasons Why This Is Happening

Have you experienced feelings of nausea while exercising? Here are some possible reasons behind it.

NAUSEA WHILE EXERCISING – Some people do experience nausea while and during exercising and here are the possible causes of this condition.

Exercising is good but not until you feel like throwing up while doing it or oftentimes, after doing it. Why is that so? Some people experience some nausea no matter how light or heavy their workout is. Even at the lightest form, they feel like vomiting and there are reasons behind this.

Nausea While Exercising
Photo lifted from Flushing Hospital Medical Center

Experiencing nausea during workouts is common, and can be described as exercise-induced nausea. This happens because according to experts, your blood flow is being diverted away from your stomach and GI tract. The blood flow goes to the working muscles and lungs, thus, the feeling of nausea.

Here are the other reasons why this is happening:

  • Working out under too much heat because it can result to dehydration and lower your blood pressure level. Take plenty of water during workout and have some breaks.
  • You have been pushing yourself too hard when your body is not even prepared to do it. Doing this might not only make you feel like throwing up but also increasing your risk of injury and straining muscles and joints.
  • You’ve started and ended in an abrupt manner. To stretch your muscles, do some warming up first. And as you approach the end of your routine, do some cooling down exercises in order to ease your heart rate.
  • The type and intensity of your workout also matters. The type where it requires you to jump or something intense will likely make you feel nauseatic based on Healthline article.

Exercise-induced nausea is annoying but this is just normal, undesirable but treatable. It doesn’t mean you are out of shape – this is a common misconception but this is not true.


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