Urine Smell – What Causes Changes To The Smell Of Your Urine

What factors can change your urine smell? Check it out below!

URINE SMELL – Is your urine smelly? Here are some issues and factors affecting the smell of your pee that you probably don’t know yet.

What you eat or what you drink can affect and change the color and appearance of your urine as well as its smell. Normally, urine has this slight ammonia smell, most especially during the morning or in cases such as a person being dehydrated.

Urine Smell
Photo lifted from Medical News Today

In some cases, a smelly pee can stem from dehydration, some, vitamins, and some medications. The unpleasant odor is not always because of certain health conditions. Sometimes, certain foods have something to do with the smell of your pee.

Check out some other factors below that can change how your urine smells:

  • Asparagus because of its asparagusic acid. Drinking coffee and eating eat fish, onions, or garlic may also have an effects with the way it smells.
  • UTI or urinary tract infection may also make your pee not smell good because of the bacteria.
  • Kidney stones because they can stop or slow down the movement of the urine which results in build up of salt and ammonia affecting the smell of the liquid waste.
  • Your unmanageable or uncontrolled diabetes may make your pee smell fruity because of high blood sugar level.
  • Health conditions like Maple Syrup Urine Disease where affected person can’t break down certain amino acids, STIs, prenancy, organ failure, poop in the bladder, Tyrosinemia, and Fish Odor Syndrome may cause a foul-smelling pee.
  • Vitamins overload because according to an article from WebMD, excess nutrients is being disposed by your body through urinating.
  • Cleaning your private excessively may also result to a pee with a stinky smell because too much leaning may affect the balance of good and bad bacteria. This can lead to infections and discharge.


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