Electrolytes: What Are These & Why The Body Need It

What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are described as substances that assist your body in several processes, including chemical reactions and fluid balance.

Most people grab a drink filled with electrolytes after working out or exercising instead of plain water as it is believed this can replenish the body. Power drinks or energy drinks, some called sports drinks are a trend in the market.

Based on the article in Mental Floss, these are positive or negative electrical charges dissolved in water, and those charges contract muscles and control hydration levels.  

Cedars Sinai

Electrolytes refer to sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chloride, phosphate, and bicarbonate. Having too much or less of this affects the body. The effects include weakness, muscle contractions, fatigue, or confusion.

Electrolyte levels can be affected by any number of medical conditions or problems. The imbalance of this is often caused by exertion and the resulting loss of fluids through sweating. Dehydration can also be caused by excessive alcohol intake.

Electrolyte depletion typically occurs after an hour or more of strenuous exercise. After a prolonged period of time, it is considerable to replenish with a sports drink, particularly if the drink contains a lot of sugar. A moderate jog on a treadmill or weight training does not have ill effects on your body.

When it comes to stomach-related illness, it is advisable to just drink water because sugar in sports drinks can potentially worsen stomach symptoms. For prolonged fluid loss, electrolyte drinks like Pedialyte can be taken.

If you are not in a serious, intense athletic endeavor or have a medical condition, there is nothing to worry about electrolytes in your body.

Here are some of the drinks with high electrolyte levels that you can drink after a strenuous activity.

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