What Causes Leg Cramps at Night? Here’s What You Should Know

WHAT CAUSES LEG CRAMPS AT NIGHT – Are you wondering what are the possible factors behind a leg cramp at night?

Leg cramps are among the conditions that is experienced by a lot of people in their sleep at night. It can be disturbing as it can awaken you from a deep sleep and it can also be frightening most especially when you can hardly move.

Leg Cramps At Night Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

What are the causes and triggers of leg cramps that happen during night time?

LEG CRAMPS AT NIGHT – These are the major causes and triggers of leg cramps that happen at night and what you need to do about it.

A sudden, involuntary contraction of your muscles is called cramps, and oftentimes, it’s very painful and distressing. The muscles are tensed up and tighten that can last from a few seconds to several minutes.

Leg Cramps At Night
Photo lifted from Geelong Medical and Health Group

And cramps that happen at night are accordingly just common due to inactivity during the day and tired muscles but it can also be because of a certain medical condition. And to help ease this, some little stretches may do.

Other causes and risk factors also include body position, old age, pregnancy, medication side effects, restriction in the blood supply, stress, too much high-intensity exercise, and some medical conditions. These conditions are:

To help ease this out, you can do some gentle stretches, massaging the area, using of foam roller, flexing and unflexing the foot, and applying heat. To help prevent this to happen, have some mild exercises, drink plenty of water, and wear more supportive shoes.

Cramps, according to an article from Cleveland Clinic may not likely cause broken bones, fainting, nausea, and numbness. There are no warning signs that this is happening. This can just happen anytime to anyone, mostly adults, very suddenly. It is also possible that it may become worse and happen more as you age.

On the other hand, if cramps happens frequently and the home methods you do don’t make an impact to ease the pain anymore, talk to your doctor for further treatments.


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