TOOTH DECAY – Everything You Need To Know To Keep Teeth Healthy

What to do to prevent tooth decay?

TOOTH DECAY – Doctors Willie Ong and Joyce Ambray discussed things to do and foods to take to prevent oral problems such as tooth decay.

Oral hygiene is the process by which one maintains the cleanliness of the teeth and related structures to prevent disease and other problems such as bad breath by regular brushing of the teeth (dental hygiene) and cleaning between the teeth.

And achieving a healthy set of teeth is crucial and takes a lifetime of care. We need the right steps to prevent problems and also includes the right products and to being mindful of your habits.

With this, here are some things and information you might need to know for a healthy teeth and good oral health to avoid tooth decay:

  • Avoid eating sweets such as donuts, chocolates, candies, cakes, sweet drinks, and among others. If you must, make sure to clean teeth right after or gargle with water.
  • Do not bite nails, tear something using teeth, open a bottle using the mouth, crack candies with it, and other things as these causes damage to the teeth.
  • Do eat foods such as apples, vegetables, celery, and anything that has no sugar.
  • Dentists allows us to brush our teeth twice a day right after meals.
  • When it comes to mouth wash, color has no significance but it is important to note that you should only use one appropriate to the condition of your mouth.
  • In terms of toothpaste, the color has no bearing but you must know how to use it and the amount to consume.

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