HPV Symptoms & Prevention: What Are The Causes Of This Condition?

What are HPV symptoms, causes, and prevention?

HPV SYMPTOMS – Here are some of the things you need to know about Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection from its causes, symptoms, and prevention.

Considered as the most common sexually transmitted infection is the Human papillomavirus or HPV infection. This is spread or transmitted through oral, anal, or through the traditional way of having an intercourse and a skin to skin contact.

HPV Symptoms

Oftentimes, HPV does not have noticeable symptoms but here are some:

  • Warts
    • Genital warts – it appears in the vulva, near the anus, or on the cervix of the woman and on the private part, scrotum, or around the anus of a man.
    • Common warts – appears on the hands and fingers
    • Plantar warts – appears on the heels or balls of your feet
    • Flat warts – can appear anywhere
  • Cervical cancer

Generally, any skin to skin contact might contract the virus and infection happens once the virus enters the body through a cut, abrasion, or small tear in the skin. Some factors also include having several partners, unprotected when doing “it”, weakened immune system, and a partner who has HPV.

How to prevent Common, Plantar, and Genital warts?

  • Common warts – avoid picking it and biting the nails
  • Plantar warts – always wear shoes or sandals in public areas such as in pools and locker rooms
  • Genital warts – abstinence or monogamous relationship, avoid having several partners, and using protection

According to Mayo Clinic article, the Food and Drug Administration has approved three HPV vaccines for males and females aging 9 to 45. No treatment has been created yet but a vaccine for protection and prevention was produced and approved.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highly recommends for girls and boys to have the vaccine at 11 and 12 before they do it and have a contact with the infection.


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