How To Gain Weight In A Healthy Way?

HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT – Are you underweight? Here are effective and healthy tips and ways for people who want to gain some weight.

Gaining weight is just as hard as losing weight. Both goals require discipline and consistency, or else, adverse effects or unwanted results will be experienced. And for those who are underweight, there are several ways that may help you achieve a healthy weight.

Healthy Weight Gain Tips – How To Gain Weight In A Healthy Way?

Here are some healthy weight gain tips that you should know!

HEALTHY WEIGHT GAIN TIPS – These are some tips that can help you gain some pounds in a safe and very healthy way.

While many struggled to shed some pounds and burn off some fats, there were also those who are struggling about how to gain weight. Our body structure is affected by our genes and it’s important to know that not all genes are the same.

However, when it comes to our body, we can definitely do some tweaks when it comes to our structure. By saying this, our diet and lifestyle play great roles and how we look is the result of the food we eat and how active we are.

Healthy Weight Gain Tips
Photo lifted from Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Do you exercise regularly? Do you eat healthy foods? These are some of the major components affecting our health and weight. And in terms of weight, those who wanted to gain some pounds can possibly do this in a safe and healthy way.

Here are some tips:

  • Consume foods like:
    • Pasta
    • Yogurt
    • Cheese
    • Healthy fats and oils
    • Eggs
    • Dried fruits
    • Avocados
    • Dark chocolates
    • Salmon
    • Protein supplements
    • Red meat
    • Rice
    • Milk
    • Other starches like potatoes, corn, quinoa, buckwheat, beans, squash, oats, legumes, winter root vegetables, sweet potatoes, whole-grain cereals, whole-grain breads, and cereal bars
  • Protein shakes
  • Eating five to six small meals in a days
  • Drink a smoothie with full-fat dairy and fresh fruit or vegetables
  • avoiding empty calories like junk foods that contain added salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats
  • Muscle-building exercises
  • Eat pies, cakes, and cookies once in a while according to WebMD post

People who are underweight will likely experience infertility, delays in development, weak immune system, osteoporosis, and malnutrition.


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