Hemorrhoids (Almoranas): Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Some of the most important things you need to know about Hemorrhoids (Almoranas).

HEMORRHOIDS (ALMORANAS) – Doc Willie Ong shares to some important things to know about this condition in terms of causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Also called as piles or “almoranas” are preventable. They are swollen veins which is found at the lower part of the anus and rectum. It causes irritation when the walls are stretched.

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It can be either internal or external. It is internal when it is found inside the rectum and not visible on the outside. Normally, this is painless and causes rectal bleeding. Meanwhile, the external one is visible under the skin around the anus which is more painful.

Some of its causes include pregnancy, aging, straining to move tools which requires effort and pressure, sittinf for too long, lifting heavy objects, obesity, and genetics.

Here are some of its symptoms:

  • painless bleeding
  • itching or irritation in the anal area
  • discomfort, pain, or soreness in the same area
  • lumps and swelling in the anal region
  • leaking feces

Prevention tips:

  • Right nutrition and eat foods that are rich in fiber such as lettuce, carrots, and among other vegetables.
  • Improve diet, include fruits, and drink a lot of water every day for better formation of the stool.
  • Doc Willie Ong suggested 4Ps: Pakwan, Pears, Papaya, Prune Juice. Grapes and mango also helps a lot.
  • Avoid drinking laxatives and any tablets to defecate.
  • Don’t over-strain when using the toilet.
  • Move around and do some physical activities. Long periods of standing or sitting causes pressure on the veins.

This condition can be treated at home, with proper medicines, or even surgery to completely remove the hemorrhoids.

Watch the video below:


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