Health Problems That People Over Age 50 Might Encounter

People over 50 can possibly encounter these health problems. What must you do to prevent it?

HEALTH PROBLEMS – Here are the possible health problems tha people over the age of 50 might encounter and what to do to prevent it.

Aging can generally affect your health. However, the effects depend on what kind of lifestyle you’ve been practicing when you were still younger. Physically, aging can likely cause wrinkles and gray hair. But about it’s effects to our health and our bodily functions? What could be the possible health problems we can encounter if we’re over 50?

Health Problems, Old People

Here are the possible health problems one might encounter if he or she is over 50 years old:

    The most common symptom of this includes chest pain, shortness of breath, and pain in your back, shoulders, or neck. However, this can be prevented if your weight is healthy, you don’t smoke, and you get regular exercise.
    Sudden weakness or numbness in your face, arms or legs being confused, and trouble speaking are early signs. In order to prevent this condition, you must control your blood pressure level, eat a low-cholesterol diet, manage your stress, exercise, and quit smoking.
    This happens when the artery gets weak and bulges outward And just like heart attack and stroke, you can prevent this from happening through lifestyle changes.
    As you get older, the bones become brittle leading to breaking. And to help prevent this, such as osteoporosis, from happening, consume foods rich in calcium and vitamin D.
    If the tiny crystals within your ear are moved around, this can lead to vertigo. Your doctor can help get these crystals back into place for treatment.
    These are hard clumps formed in the kidney to which the larger ones can be extremely painful. They are made up of calcium which causes bleeding, infections and blocks the flow of urine.

Other problems as per WebMD are detached retina, pneumonia, spinal stenosis, gout, and pulmonary embolism.


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