Disturbed Sleep Causes: What Makes You Wake Up At Night?

Interrupted sleep? Here are the factors causing disturbed sleep that makes you wake up at night.

DISTURBED SLEEP – Here are the factors and causes that keeps you waking up at night causing disturbed and interrupted sleep.

A night of good and quality sleep and rest could go a long way for a healthy and happy life. Frequently interrupted sleep can have some corresponding effects on a person’s personality and productivity. Lack of sleep can increase your chance to get irritated easily and also increases the risk for obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and even premature death. 

Disturbed Sleep
Photo lifted from NDTV.com

Other adverse health consequences of disturbed and interrupted sleep included fatigue, decreased cognitive focus, and altered mood. And below are just some of the causes why you frequently experienced an interrupted sleep:

  • Life events that are stressing you out or other major events.
  • The things that worry you on daily basis. Be sure to make a checklist of your activities so you won’t miss out on anything.
  • Perhaps your bedroom or the place you’re sleeping is the problem, Be sure to sleep in a dark, quiet, safe, comfortable, and cool room.
  • Your lifestyle can also affect such as drinking alcohol before going to bed. Aside from the fact that this can interrupt you, it might also get you to a few trips to the bathroom.
  • Drinks with caffeine like tea and coffee and others like chocolate drinks and energy drinks can affect sleep if consumed before your bedtime. Best to avoid drinking these in the afternoon and evening.
  • A heavy meal at late night is also not advisable to do if you want an undisturbed sleep. You can eat a lighter dinner with less fat and salt and with fewer calories or snack on healthy and easy-to-digest foods.
  • If you have anxiety and depression, these things can also interrupt your sleep. Other cases are bipolar disorder and other mood disorders.
  • The menopausal phase of women can also keep them awake at night.
  • Medical problems like arthritis, back pain, allergies, asthma, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and others can disrupt sleep as per WebMD’s post.


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