Cancer Tips For Women: Here Are Some Tips From Doc Willie Ong

Breast cancer tips for women according to Doc Willie Ong.

CANCER TIPS – Doc Willie Ong shares to us some tips and warning signs to determine early symptoms of breast cancer to women.

What could be a breast cancer can look and feel like? Doc Willie Ong shares to us on how to determine breast cancer symptoms through the “Know Your Lemons” method.

Cancer Signs

According to Doc Willie Ong, a way to effectively determine breast cancer symptoms is “to know your lemons”:

  • You feel a thick area in your breast where a part is feeling like more dense compared to other areas and it doesn’t go away.
  • A dimple or an indentation can be a sign because the tumor (lump) deep in the breast pulls the skin inward, thus, creating an indent.
  • A crust nipple is called “Paget’s disease” where the cancer cells spread across the breast living in the nipple.
  • A feeling of red or hot is an indication of an infection or skin symptom common to developing breasts, breastfeeding or eczema. However, it can also be a sign of Inflammatory Breast Cancer.
  • An unexpected fluid is alarming if outside common causes such as developing breasts, infection, cysts, pregnancy, or breastfeeding, most especially if it is clear or contains blood.
  • Skin sores where the skin in the breast breaks down and forms an open wound where the infection causes bad smell and/or leakage with an obvious hard lump.
  • A bump or lump on the surface but not all the time it is cancerous which is why you should have your doctor check it.
  • A sunken, flattening, or turning nipple can possibly be a sign of a new breast cancer tumor forming underneath pulling the nipple in it.
    A growing vein is a rare symptom that you’ll know if it more pronounced,on breast or near the collarbones and sometimes comes with swollen arm.
  • The shape and size changes is a sign of breast cancer if suddenly it change sizes, flattens, swells, or droops and it seems to be way not connected to breast cancer.
  • An orange peel skin a symptom of breast cancer known as “peau d’orange,” (how the French say “orange peel”).
  • A hard lump is the most common sign of breast cancer that can be felt deep in the breast like a hard lemon seed that can’t be moved.

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