Workout Tips: Exercises You Can Do Within 7 Minutes

With no gym equipment needed, here are some workout tips and types of exercises you can do within seven (7) minutes.

WORKOUT TIPS – Here are some tips and benefits of various forms of exercise that you can do without the need for any gym equipment.

Regular exercise can do so much to your overall health and body. It can reduce the risk of having dangerous medical conditions, help you manage a healthy weight, to strengthen bones, muscles, and joints, and many other benefits that your body will surely thank you for in your later years.

Workout Tips

Exercising doesn’t mean you need to be fully quipped with those fancy gym equipments. Actually, there are a lot of exercises you can do at home with those!

Minus the equipment, do the exercises below for 30 seconds each with 10 seconds break in between as per WebMD’s post and this is how each of these benefits your body:

  • Wall Sits – to build strength and endurance in glutes, calves, quads, and abdominal muscles.
  • Push-Ups – for building upper body strength, triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders and strengthen lower back and core.
  • Ab Crunches – to build muscle, strengthening the core, and achieve six-pack abs.
  • Step-Ups – to work muscles in the legs and buttocks.
  • Squats – for strengthening lower body and core muscles, burn calories, and help lose weight.
  • Tricep Dips On Chair – to strengthen the upper body (triceps, shoulders, and arms) and increase the range of motion of the body.
  • Plank – to burn calories and strengthens the spine, rhomboids, trapezius, and abdominal muscles.
  • Side Plank – to strengthen the core without pressuring your lower back.
  • High Knees – to engage the core, strengthen leg muscles, increase heart rate, and improve coordination and flexibility.
  • Lunges – to build up strength and tone the core, butt, legs, and body as a whole, and helps improve the posture. 
  • Push-ups and Rotations – to work your triceps, pectoral muscles, and shoulders, and build strength.


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