BEAUTY TIPS – Healthy Habits To Keep You Young & Healthy

Beauty Tips

Beauty tips to keep you look young. BEAUTY TIPS – Here are some healthy and effective beauty tips and habits from medical expert Doc Willie Ong to keep you young and healthy. Health and beauty come hand in hand, thus, healthy habits reap beauty in life and body. Everyone must take note that our greatest … Read more

Health Tips Regarding Stroke and Heart Attack That You Must Know

Health Tips

Health tips about stroke and heart attack. HEALTH TIPS – Here are some health tips and important things to know about stroke and heart attack according to Doc Willie Ong. Stroke is one of the top causes of death in the Philippines. This is the type of dangerous condition that affects the arteries leading to … Read more

BOWEL MOVEMENT DIFFICULTY – Foods To Eat If You Are Constipated

Bowel Movement Difficulty

What to eat if you have bowel movement difficulty and constipation? BOWEL MOVEMENT DIFFICULTY – Doctor Willie Ong imparts foods that we must eat if we are suffering bowel movement difficulty and constipation. Constipation affects all people of all ages which is a common condition. Among the causes are not eating enough fibre, change in … Read more

DEFECATION – Tips To Move Out Wastes From The Body


Defecation and tips and ways to move out wastes from our body. DEFECATION- Doctors Willie Ong and Liza Ong teach us the tips, types of massages, and techniques on what to do for proper excretion. Solid waste excretion is a normal process of the body to get rid of toxins. This waste is called feces … Read more

Health Tips – Types Of Conditions That You Must Not Ignore

Health Tips

Health tips about these conditions that you must not ignore. HEALTH TIPS – Here are some health tips and advice from Doc Willie Ong regarding conditions of your body that you must not ignore. There are these health conditions we always thought and perceived as simple but can actually cause harm and danger which can … Read more

CHOLESTEROL LEVEL – What To Do To Lower Cholesterol?

Cholesterol Level

Here’s what to do to lower your cholesterol level. CHOLESTEROL LEVEL – Doc Willie Ong shares some tips on what we should do if we want to lower down our cholesterol level. The waxy substance which is found in the blood is called cholesterol. It is the liver that makes most of it in the … Read more

CANCER SIGNS – Warning Signs Of Cancer You Must Not Ignore

Cancer Signs

What are the cancer signs which you must not ignore? CANCER SIGNS – Here are some warning signs of cancer that you must not ignore according to doctors Willie Ong and Liza Ong. Malignancy or Cancer is the result of an abnormal growth of cells and there are many types of cancer including breast cancer, … Read more

ARTHRITIS PAIN – Home Remedies For Arthritis Pain

Arthritis Pain

Home remedies for arthritis pain. ARTHRITIS PAIN – Doctors Willie Ong and Gary Sy discussed the best home remedies and what to do if you are suffering from an arthritis pain. According to Doctor Gary Sy, arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints to which this condition typically worsen … Read more

LOW POTASSIUM – Warning Signs That You Have Low Potassium Level

Low Potassium

Warning signs of low potassium level. Here are some warning signs from doctors Willie Ong and Liza Ong you shouldn’t neglect to determine if you have low potassium level or not. One of the most important minerals for the body is potassium for it helps the body regulate fluid, send nerve signals, and regulate muscle … Read more