Taking Medicine with Tea? Here’s Why You Must Stop It

Why Taking Medicine with Tea Is Not Good For You

TAKING MEDICINE WITH YOU – Here is an explanation why you must stop drinking your medicine with a cup of tea.

Most people got vitamins and medicines to take daily. Vitamins are usually food supplements and sources of those nutrients that the body cannot make itself.

With regard to medicines, it may be due to a temporary sickness or a maintenance for an incurable health condition. For the latter, it becomes part of a habit.

It is also inevitable that the habit includes the schedule of taking these medicines. Do you take them before or after a meal? In the morning, noontime, or night? With water?

Taking Medicine with Tea

In the case of some people most especially the elder ones, they are into herbal teas. There are instances when the drinking of a cup of tea is close to the time of taking a medicine. Some are even taking their medicine with a cup of tea.

However, it is not advisable. Based on an article on The Health Site, taking a medicine with a tea may affect the digestion of the medicine. It is due to the tannins present in the tea.

According to the article, the tannins present in tea may reduce the digestion of the medicine. Still, the best drink to take a medicine with is water.

Meanwhile, if there are cases when water is unavailable, taking a medicine with a tea is okay as it has no adverse effects. Just don’t make it a habit.

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