Stress Benefits – Doc Willie Ong Shares How Stress Can Be Beneficial

Here are some stress benefits according to Doc Willie Ong.

STRESS BENEFITS – Public health expert and famous personality Doc Willie Ong discusses how stress can also be beneficial to a person.

Everyone is just as stress over a lot of things. Based on a previous article, there are certain ways and tips which indicate that you are indeed stressed. As such, some indications include fast and erratic pulse rate, fast breathing, and body pains.

Stress Benefits

However, according to Doc Willie Ong, on the other side, stress has its benefits to a person and some are the following:

  • Stress hormones for strength – In some cases, stress makes a person stronger and more concentrated to achieve his goal. This is accordingly because of hormones called epinephrine.
  • Positive stress – One example to this is a student being stressed over a deadline to meet, thus, he tends to perform better running after a deadline he needs to meet. This is one way to deal with stress positively.
  • Stress for safety – If you are afraid over something, it causes stress which is why it affects you by making you more alert and observant of your surroundings. Also, this sharpens your sense of sight and hearing.
  • The relief – If you have been stressed and dealt with it with a positive perspective, the feeling of relief after surpassing it is so satisfying and you surely wouldn’t miss that kind of feeling for the world.

Meanwhile, being stressed could be stressful as caused by several factors but there are a lot of ways to relieve this. Some of the ways to reduce stress are having positive thoughts and way of thinking, being active, avoiding sugary foods, and ignoring the things that you know will only make you stress.

See the full post below:


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