Lower Both Blood Pressure & Sugar Levels w/ These 8 Foods – Doc Willie Ong

Doc Willie Ong Reveals 8 Food that Can Lower Both Blood Pressure & Sugar Levels

BLOOD PRESSURE & SUGAR – Doctor Willie Ong revealed eight(8) food that can help lower both the levels of blood pressure and sugar in the body.

Nowadays, hypertension and diabetes are among the leading cause of death. These two(2) health conditions can lead to other complications that can really take the life of a person. Stroke is one of its possible result and it can lead to sudden death.

Undeniably, a lot of people got these health conditions because of unhealthy lifestyle. It can also be obtained from family history most especially diabetes but it can easily be acquired if you are into oily and sweet food most of the time.

According to Doc Willie Ong, there are actually food that can help lower the blood pressure and sugar levels in the body. In a video, the doctor introduced the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension or DASH diet.

Doc Willie stressed that the secret is to eat more vegetables, add fruits in every meal, and as well as low fat milk. It is also important to cut your intake of oily and cholesterol food by half.

Also, the doctor advises the avoidance of fat and preservatives. They can be found in food and drinks like the fries, bacon, butter, processed meat, softdrinks, and iced tea.

Aside from the food to avoid, Doc Willie Ong also revealed the food that you must eat to lower both your blood pressure and sugar levels. Here is a list of what you must add to your diet:

  • Oatmeal – low in cholesterol
  • Banana – rich in potassium and helps control the sugar level
  • Olive Oil and Fish Oil – rich in healthy fat
  • Fish – low in cholesterol
  • Leafy Green Vegetables – contains fiber, minerals, and vitamins
  • Green Tea – high in anti-oxidants
  • Berries – a lot of health benefits
  • Skim Milk or Yogurt – low in fat

In a video, Doc Willie stressed the three(3) main ways to lower blood pressure and sugar levels in the body. You must reduce your salt intake and as well as your sugar and oily food consumption.


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READ ALSO: DRINKS THAT MAKE YOU FAT – Doc Willie & Liza Ong Explain Calories in Drinks

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