Low Blood Pressure – How To Increase Your BP As To Doc Willie & Doc Liza Ong

Dr. Willie and Dr. Liza Ong Give Tips on How To Increase Low Blood Pressure

LOW BLOOD PRESSURE – Here is a guide from Dr. Willie and Dr. Liza Ong on how to increase your blood pressure (BP).

One of those that you must monitor always is your blood pressure or more commonly called as BP. Too much of its upward trend is not good and the same as too much of its downward trend.

If you are suffering from high BP, it is called hypertension. If you are suffering from a low BP, it is called hypotension. Under the latter, the BP is less than 90 over 60.

There are ways on how to increase your BP if you have low blood pressure. These are what Dr. Willie and Dr. Liza Ong discussed in a video posted on Facebook.

Low Blood Pressure by Doc Willie & Doc Liza Ong

According to the Dr. Willie and Dr. Liza Ong, the symptoms of low blood pressure include dizziness and dark vision. Here are some tips on how to increase your BP:

  • eat salty food to increase your BP
  • drink your maintenance medicine or have your medicines adjusted by the doctor as it may be the cause
  • cross your legs
  • drink more water
  • do not eat too much
  • wear compression stocking
  • avoid lifting heavy objects
  • move your feet when standing for a long time

Based on the video, low BP may be an indication of low blood sugar, infection in the body, or severe allergy. It is best to go for a check-up to the doctor.

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