How To Know Your Blood Type? Here Are Some Techniques

Techniques on how to know your blood type and why knowing your blood type is essential.

HOW TO KNOW YOUR BLOOD TYPE – These are the reasons why knowing your blood type is important and how out what your blood type is.

Blood is essential. This is the red thing that circulates in the body that delivers important nutrients and other substances like oxygen to the cells of the body. Moreover, one important function it does is that it also transports metabolic waste products from these cells.

How To Know Your Blood Type
Photo lifted from University Of Oxford

And one thing to know about it is that there is no substitute for it. It cannot be manufactured or created and the only way to get blood is through other people who are generous to do donations.

It has four basic components such as plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

The blood has two groups – the ABO and Rh (Rhesus factor). It has four main types and they are the following:

  • A: the presence of just the A antigen
  • B: the presence of just the B antigen
  • AB: the presence of both antigens
  • O: the presence of neither antigen

And with the presence and absence of the Rh factor, it results in eight common types:

  • A+
  • A-
  • B+
  • B-
  • AB+
  • AB-
  • O+
  • O-

According to an article from Healthline, there are three easy steps to determine your blood.

  1. through a test ordered by your doctor
  2. donating blood
  3. through taking a blood test at your home by using an at-home blood typing kit

The American Cancer Society says that people with type A cannot receive type B or AB red blood cells; type B cannot receive type A or AB red blood cells; and type AB cannot receive type A, B, AB, or O red blood cells.

Now, why is it important to know what your blood type is?

Your blood type is important for medical reasons like a blood transfusion. Your type will determine what blood your body won’t be able to accept. This way, you may also help others by donating your blood to whoever needs it.

Your blood can also affect other cases and situations like pregnancy and lower the risk of certain health conditions.


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