Garlic Triggers Acid Reflux? Here’s What You Should Know

Wondering Does Garlic Triggers Acid Reflux or Hyperacidity?

GARLIC TRIGGERS ACID REFLUX – Are you wondering if the consumption of garlic or any food with it can trigger hyperacidity?

Herbs are healthy for the human body that is why most people do not think twice about having them. They are usual ingredients in cooking most dishes and they are present in almost all cuisines.

One of the most popular herbs is garlic. It is usually present in frying and as well as sauteeing. They are added not just in cooking dishes but even in toasting bread and tasting pasta.

Garlic is known as an excellent agent in lowering the cholesterol level of the body. It also helps reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer with its ability to act as a blood thinner.

Garlic Triggers Acid Reflux

However, regardless of how beneficial garlic is, it is not for everyone. Garlic triggers acid reflux, a stomach condition in which the acid from the stomach flows backward to the esophagus. Many people are suffering from it.

Based on an article on Healthline, garlic triggers acid reflux which may further lead to heartburn, upset stomach, or breath and body odor.

Meanwhile, since acid reflux is triggered in many different ways, not everyone who has it must avoid garlic. It really depends on a case-to-case basis thus you can observe which factors trigger your hyperacidity to avoid them.

In some cases, their triggers are not on foods but stress from school, work, relationships, or any aspect of life that causes them to think too much.

In rare cases, acid reflux is triggered by another health condition. Some individuals are also not aware that eating in very large amounts or consuming very spicy foods can also trigger the rising of the acid from the esophagus. It is really important to discover your trigger so you can avoid them.

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