Different Types Of Headaches (Primary & Secondary)

DIFFERENT TYPES OF HEADACHES – These are the different types of headaches and a short description of each type.

Headache is a normal condition most adults suffer from. Usually, it shouldn’t be a cause of a major health concern. However, once the pain starts to disrupt your productivity and it starts to get severe, you definitely need a check-up. Here are some things to know about its major types.

Types Of Headaches – Common Types Of Primary Headaches

What are the different types of headaches? Find out here!

TYPES OF HEADACHES – Here are the different types of headaches including their symptoms, causes, and other details.

Most adults suffer from headaches which can range from mild to severe. This condition is prevalent and is characterized by head or face pain. It has several types and while headaches should not become a major concern, one must not become complacent because sometimes, this is a symptom of a serious underlying condition.

Types Of Headaches
Photo lifted from Livi

The types vary in intensity, location, frequency, and cause.

Headaches have two types: primary and secondary.


    According to Stanford Medicine, this type is “when the headache itself is the main problem”. It is not a sign or symptom of an underlying condition that is caused by an inflammation in the nerves, blood vessels, or muscles.

    It has several categories:

    It causes pain that is usually on just one side of the head. A person with a migraine may also suffer from nausea and/or vomiting and sensitivity to light and/or sound.

    This is common and the pain appears “around the back of the head, the temples, and forehead as if a tight hat were in place” which can last for hours to days.
    – Hypnic

    This type typically occurs in people aged 40 and 80. This is unique and the pain lasts between 15 and 60 minutes.
    – Cluster

    It is one-sided and can last for 20 minutes to two hours. Other symptoms that come with this type include a stuffy nose on one side, tearing, an enlarged pupil, or a droopy lid as per the post.
    This is the type more serious than primary. This rarely occurs but it happens as a sign or symptom of serious underlying health issues like brain tumors, aneurysms, meningitis, or injury in the neck or brain.

    This is the type that happens suddenly and brings not just a throbbing but excruciating kind of pain.


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