Coke for Diarrhea? Here’s What Many People Don’t Know

Guide on the Truth Behind the “Coke for Diarrhea” Common Belief

COKE FOR DIARRHEA – When you are experiencing loose bowel movement, are you also often told to drink a bottle of soda specifically “coke”?

One of the common conditions that can affect anyone regardless of age is diarrhea, a condition characterized by loose and watery stools. It is also called loose bowel movement or LBM.

There are several possible causes of diarrhea. For kids, it is usually indigestion or having eaten foods that upset the stomach.

Other causes of diarrhea or LBM include infection by bacteria, organisms, or pre-formed toxins; medication; allergies; intolerances to specific foods; and malabsorption.

Coke for Diarrhea
Photo: Cleveland Clinic

There are several remedies to diarrhea depending on its cause. Those that are caused by an infection may need antibiotics and a thorough medication.

Considering that it is an uncommon condition, there are several known “home remedies” to diarrhea. However, some beliefs have actually scattered without any scientific support.

One of these beliefs is the “coke for diarrhea” that many people believe in. Have you also experienced being told to drink a bottle of this soda to ease your LBM?

Despite the popularity of the “coke for diarrhea” belief, it actually does not help in relieving LBM. Based on an article on Livestrong, the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD) said that caffeinated drinks, fructose, and those sweetened with sugar substitutes may make your LBM worse.

Harvard Health also said that caffeine can further the body’s water and salt losses. Instead of drinking coke, the best drinks to take when you have diarrhea are those that are high in sodium and potassium. You may consider sports drinks with electrolytes.

You may also visit – How To Treat LBM / Diarrhea According To Dr. Willie Ong

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