Feeling Bloated? 7 Things You Can Do To Ease Stomach Bloatedness

7 Things You Can Do To Ease A Bloated Stomach w/ Can Be Disturbing

BLOATED – Here is a list of the seven (7) things that you can do to ease your stomach bloatedness.

Undeniably, one of the health conditions that a lot of people usually suffer is stomach bloatedness. The most common reason behind it is the lifestyle of the person.

Frequent hungriness, over-eating, stress, too much intake of salty or spicy food, and a lot more unhealthy activities may lead to a bloated stomach. There are things that you can do to ease it.

Bloated Stomach
Photo: The Milli Chronicles

Based on an article on Parents, here is a list of seven (7) things that you can do to ease a bloated stomach:

1. Eat more fiber-rich food.

Fiber helps in proper digestion. You may eat dried apricots, strawberries, and dried plums which are rich in fiber.

2. Drink water frequently.

Drinking water can help flush the waste out from your body. It is also an excellent move against constipation.

3. Eat dairy products wisely.

Large consumption of food and drinks with dairy may trigger acid attack. It is important to take them in small servings first until your bloated stomach is starting to be well.

4. Don’t gulp too much air when eating.

Also a cause of stomach bloatedness is when you take so much air when eating. It is vital to chew your food with a closed mouth.

5. Make advance plans.

It is important to plan things out ahead. If you will be having an important meeting, take lunch or snacks ahead so you won’t get hungry.

6. Take some walk.

Based on the article, a ten-minute walk can help relieve the bloatedness of your stomach. Exercise to help the gas pass through.

7. Check your medicines.

There are medicines that can cause a bloated stomach. Most of these are anti-depressants and calcium supplements. Check them out with your doctor.

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