Carbohydrates in Rice? Here’s How Much A Cup Contains Based on Type of Rice

Guide on Carbohydrates in Rice Based on Its Type

CARBOHYDRATES IN RICE – Are you wondering how much carbohydrates a cup of rice contains? It actually depends on the type of rice you eat.

In the Philippines, rice is a staple food. Most people are used to having at least two (2) rice meals a day. In fact, a lot of people have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Rice is paired with a viand. Many individuals cannot start their day without rice as it is their energy booster. There are different kinds of rice – the white rice, the brown rice, the red rice, the black rice, and the wild rice among others.

Carbohydrates in Rice Per Cup
Photo: Fine Cooking

When it comes to the kind of rice that is usually present in dining tables, it is the white rice. However, truths be told that it has been through a lot of processed already thus the nutrients may be lesser compared to the brown rice.

The brown rice is known to be the healthiest among the many types of rice. Meanwhile, it still depends on the amount taken as it is a powerhouse of carbohydrates.

Based on an article on Healthline, the carbohydrates in rice vary depending on the kind of rice. Here is a list of how much carbohydrates you will get from a cup depending on its variety:

  • Brown Rice – 52 grams
    • It is whole grain and has more fiber and nutrients.
  • White Rice – 53 grams
    • It loses fiber, vitamins, and minerals along the process.
  • Wild Rice – 35 grams
    • It has nutty flavor and is not technically considered as a rice but it is rich in nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Black Rice – 34 grams
    • It is a powerhouse of fiber, antioxidants, protein, and iron. It turns purple when it is cooked.
  • Red Rice – 45 grams
    • It has a nutty taste and is rich in fiber.

Citing Mayo Clinic, the carbohydrates requirement for the body is between 225 to 325 grams every day. The need depends on the health condition of a person. It is important to meet the dietary requirements.

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