Bangus Benefits – 10 Secret Health Benefits of Eating Milkfish

List of 10 Milkfish / Bangus Benefits for the Body

BANGUS BENEFITS – Here is a list of ten (10) secret health advantages of eating milkfish or bangus.

Undeniably, one of the healthiest categories of food that we can eat is the fish. There are several types of fish that we can choose from and each of them is packed with nutrients.

Are you one of those who like having fish viand or prefer a tuna sandwich over other sandwiches? Truths be told that most of the populace would prefer meat over fish. One probable reason is that fish is known to be healthy but not its specific health benefits.

Bangus Benefits
Photo: Food Evolution

Milkfish or bangus in Tagalog is one of the favorites fishes of most people. Do you know the specific bangus benefits?

More than a delicious taste, milkfish has a lot to offer. Based on an article on Dr. Health Benefits, here is a list of ten (10) bangus benefits for the body:

  1. It helps prevent coronary heart disease.
  2. It lowers the risk of developing hypertension or high blood pressure.
  3. It reduces the cholesterol level.
  4. It is loaded with protein making it excellent for body-building goals.
  5. It helps prevent anemia and control blood production with its iron content.
  6. It is good for the eyes with its Vitamin A content.
  7. It can help keep the bones healthy.
  8. Also one of the bangus benefits based on the article is its ability to add height and prevent osteoporosis with its calcium content.
  9. It can speed up wound healing with its iron content.
  10. Milkfish helps boost cognitive function.

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