How To Lower Blood Pressure Without Taking Medication?

Lower Blood Pressure

What to do to lower blood pressure minus the medication? Here are some of the few things you do to lower your high blood pressure without taking any medication. High blood pressure or also called as hypertension is a condition associated to other diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and other problems. And worst, if … Read more

KETO DIET: Benefits and Good Effects Of Ketogenic Diet

Keto Diet Benefits

Here are the Keto diet benefits that you might want to know! KETO DIET BENEFITS – The following are some of the potential benefits and good effects when doing the ketogenic diet that you probably don’t know yet. The eating plan of a keto diet includes a lot of healthful fats, adequate amounts of protein, … Read more

KETO DIET: Side Effects and Dangers Of Ketogenic Diet

Keto Diet

What is Keto diet and some important details you might want to know about keto diet side effects. KETO DIET SIDE EFFECTS- Here are some essential details you need to know first about the ketogenic diet, how it is done, and its side effects. What is a ketogenic diet or more known as Keto diet? … Read more

Hiccups Causes: What Causes This and How To Make It Stop?

Hiccups Causes

What are the hiccups causes and how to stop this? HICCUPS CAUSES – How can you treat a certain symptom called hiccups and what are the factors that cause this particular condition? Funny and yet annoying at the same time are the hiccups. Everyone surely experiences this condition where a strange little sound comes from … Read more

Calorie Count: How Many Calories In A Day To Lose Weight?

Calorie Count

Here’s how to know the calorie count you needed in order to shed off some pounds. CALORIES – If you are a male or a female, here’s how much calories you need to take everyday in order to lose some weight. Calories is a unit of energy to which refers to your energy consumption from … Read more

Intermittent Fasting For 30 Days Effects To Actress Alice Dixon

Intermittent Fasting

Actress Alice Dixon tries intermittent fasting and here is her experience. INTERMITTENT FASTING – Popular actress Alice Dixon tries the intermittent fasting and here’s her experience and how it affected her lifestyle. One of the craze in terms of losing weight is intermittent fasting where a lot of famous personalities have been doing in order … Read more

LAUGHING BENEFITS – Here are some Health Benefits of Laughing

Laughing Benefits

Here are some laughing benefits you might want to know! LAUGHING BENEFITS – Laughter is indeed the best medicine because choosing to laugh always has these health benefits you probably don’t know yet. Sharing a good laugh can actually improve one’s health. Laughing has powerful benefits that you probably don’t know yet which only goes … Read more