Coronavirus Disease – Can Mosqitoes Carry and Transmit The Virus?

Coronavirus Disease

Lockdowns have been lifted and rainy season will soon approach, can coronavirus disease be carried by mosquitoes and transmit it to people? CORONAVIRUS DISEASE – People have asked if it is possible for a mosquito to carry the coronavirus disease and then transmit it to other people. COVID-19 is currently alarming with how highly contagious … Read more

STRESS RASH – How To Identify and Treat Rashes Caused By Stress

Stress Rash

This is how you can identify that it is a stress rash and its treatment. STRESS RASH – Here’s how you can identify and determine if it is a stress rash and know the appropriate treatment this condition needs. Almost everyone is surely dealing with stress every day coming from work environment, the surroundings, and … Read more

Lower Cholesterol Level Naturally Through These Remedies

Lower Cholesterol Level

Here are some natural remedies to lower cholesterol level according to Doc Willie Ong. LOWER CHOLESTEROL LEVEL – Doc Willie Ong shares some effective remedies in order to lower your cholesterol level naturally. Cholesterol has a role to play for the body such as building healthy cells but too much of this has bad effects. … Read more

PIMPLE TREATMENT: Is Applying Vicks For Pimple Appropriate?

Pimple Treatment

Will applying vicks as pimple treatment on your face works effectively? PIMPLE TREATMENT – Vicks VapoRub is accordingly an effective treatment to shrink your pimple overnight, how true is this? Acne and pimple problems are a common dilemma to a lot of people. There has been a lot of factors causing this and through time, … Read more

Proper Hand Washing Can Prevent These 15 Types Of Disease

Proper Hand Washing

These diseases can be prevented through proper hand washing and by doing it regularly. PROPER HAND WASHING – Here are the 15 types of diseases we can avoid as regular proper hand washing can prevent them. Washing of your hands properly and regularly can ward of certain diseases coming from various viruses, germs, and bacteria. … Read more