CONSTIPATION – Natural Remedies You Must Know From Doc Willie Ong


Prevention and natural remedies for constipation. CONSTIPATION – Here are some of the significant details you must know about constipation according to Doc Willie Ong. Doc Willie Ong shares details about prevention and cure of constipation as anyone can suffer this kind of condition. Constipation is when one person has hard stools which makes one … Read more

Tuberculosis (TB) – Dr. Willie Ong Reveals Types, Symptoms & Cure

Tuberculosis (TB) by Dr Willie Ong

Types, Symptoms & Cure for Tuberculosis (TB) According to Dr. Willie Ong TUBERCULOSIS (TB) – Doctor Willie Ong revealed the different types, symptoms, and cure for this health condition that affects many people now. More and more health conditions are becoming rampant nowadays. Most of these diseases are due to the unhealthy habits of the … Read more

PROPER HYGIENE – Doc Liza Ong On Tips For Proper Hygiene

Proper Hygiene

Doc Liza Ong shares some tips about proper hygiene. PROPER HYGIENE – Here are some tips and guide from medical expert Doc Liza Ong on how to maintain proper hygiene for better personal care. Self-care is definitely very important and the first step is our care for our body. Physical appearance is the surface that … Read more

LARYNGITIS – Dr. Liza Ong Cites Causes & Home Remedies

Laryngitis by Dr Liza Ong

Guide on the Common Causes of Laryngitis & Its Home Remedies by Dr. Liza Ong LARYNGITIS – Doctor Liza Ramoso-Ong cited the common causes of this health condition affecting the vocal cords and its home remedies. A lot of people are prone to losing their voice. Most of them are those who line of job … Read more