Feeling Tired Always? Here Are Some Tips To Be Energetic

Here are some tips to gain energy if you are feeling tired always.

FEELING TIRED ALWAYS – Doc Willie shares some tips on hows to gain your energy if you are always feeling tired or exhausted.

There are certain reason why we are feeling tired or exhausted most of the time. This is just a common and natural tendency for everyone to be exhausted. But at such, there are also effective ways to prevent this of you want to be productive the whole day.

Feeling Tired Always
Photo lifted from Rescue Time Blog

If feeling exhausted despite doing nothing yet, here are some tips from Doc Willie Ong to have your energy back:

  1. An extra 15 minutes after waking up every morning to do some routines such as praying and stretching or just merely thinking about something else.
  2. List down the errands you need to do for that day.
  3. Start your day with a complete and healthy breakfast such bread or rice, egg, chicken, and some fruits such as banana or apple.
  4. Exercising before stating your day will give you energy to finish your work on that day.
  5. When at work, focus on what you have to do first and on most important tasks. And move around if you have been sitting all day long for the circulation of your blood.
  6. Fix your house properly and neatly. An organized surroundings gives peace of mind and putting a lot of colors on it make a person energetic.
  7. Take a bath before sleeping for a fresher feeling.
  8. Sleep and rest for six to eight hours everyday and be sure to follow the same time of going to bed every night so your body will be conditioned to rest at that particular time.
  9. Always take a time off for a vacation or something to unwind you. By doing this will refresh your mood and attitude towards work and you will become more energetic.
  10. Think positive all the time.

See the post below:



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