Aloe Vera Gel For Face – What Are Its Benefits To The Skin?

ALOE VERA GEL FOR FACE – Among the widely used remedies for skin conditions is aloe vera gel and here are its benefits.

If you’re dealing with some skin problems like burns, sunburns, cuts dryness, eczema, and acne, using aloe vera gel can help. Using this can help moisturize skin. Here are some of its other benefits to the skin.

Aloe Vera Gel – Why Include This In Your Skincare?

Here’s why aloe vera gel must be in your skincare routine.

ALOE VERA SOOTHING GEL – The aloe plant is known for its skin healing properties and here are the other ways of using this on the face.

Aloe plant produces aloe vera, the gel taken from the plant leaves. It is perfect for moisturizing the skin and is well-loved for treating sunburns, bug bites, minor cuts or wounds, and other skin problems.

Aloe Vera Gel
Photo lifted from Vogue India

Apart from facial benefits, it also has other benefits like health and medicinal properties. The plant’s botanical name is Aloe barbadensis miller and it belongs to the Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae) family. Its leaves are triangular in shape and filled with liquid in gel form. It has serrated edges.

The three layers are:

  • the inner clear gel which is 99 percent water and the rest are glucomannans, amino acids, lipids, sterols, and vitamins
  • the middle layer of latex which contains anthraquinones and glycosides
  • outer thick layer or the rind which functions as protection and for synthesizing carbohydrates and proteins

According to a short review in NCBI, it has the following:

  1. Vitamins A (beta-carotene), C, E, B12, folic acid, and choline
  2. Enzymes such as aliiase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, bradykinase, carboxypeptidase, catalase, cellulase, lipase, and peroxidase
  3. Minerals like calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, and zinc
  4. Sugars
  5. Anthraquinones
  6. Plant steroids like cholesterol, campesterol, β-sisosterol, and lupeol
  7. Hormones
  8. 20 of the 22 human required amino acids and 7 of the 8 essential amino acids

What are the benefits of using the gel for the skin?

  1. It is a great moisturizer since it is mostly composed of water. It can remedy skin issues like dryness, flaking, and itching.
  2. It soothes skin because it contains polysaccharides.
  3. It contains salicylic acid that helps prevent acne.
  4. It has antioxidants that lessen the appearance of signs of aging.
  5. It can help improve skin tone.


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