Tips for Healthy Hair According To Doc Liza Ong (Video)

Doc Liza Ong Cites Tips for Healthy Hair in Video

TIPS FOR HEALTHY HAIR – Prominent doctor Liza Ramoso-Ong cited some tips on how to take care of your hair in a video.

One of the parts of the body that greatly affects the physical appearance of a person is the hair. That is the reason why most men secure to really have a haircut every month while women go to parlors not only for a haircut but for some other treatments.

Actually, it is important to focus not only on how the hair strands look but their health. A shiny and beautiful hair with less hair fall and no breakage signify that your hair is healthy. Are you one of those who have already achieved a shiny and healthy hair or one of those who are still on the process of looking for the secret to achieve it?

In a video, Doc Liza Ong pointed out that the average hair strands we have is 110,000 strands of hair. To remove the dirt and the tangles, we use brush and comb. However, not doing it properly can lead to massive hair fall.

Fortunately, Doc Liza Ong cited some tips for healthy hair including the proper of brushing the hair. Here are the doctor’s tips for healthy hair based on the video:

  1. In brushing your hair, start from the tip of the hair strands to the root of the hair. It can help you prevent hair fall.
  2. Do not borrow brush or comb from other people. This is to avoid getting parasites or diseases as brushes and combs can become carriers of parasites from another person.
  3. Do not use body soap to your hair. In the video, Doc Liza pointed out that the shampoo is for the hair while the soap is for the body. She stressed that the two (2) should not be interchanged as using body soap in the hair may be the start of dandruff.

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