Stroke Warning Signs: Doc Willie Ong Cites What May Happen a Week Before It

STROKE WARNING SIGNS – Doctor Willie Ong cited the signals that may appear a week before a stroke may take place.

One of the health conditions that caused the death of many people was stroke. Unfortunately, it can lead to sudden death. However, what many people do not know is that there are stroke warning signs that have appeared a week before the actual incident.

Heart Attack, Stroke & Kidney Disease Warning Signs As To Dr. Willie Ong

Dr. Willie Ong Cites Warning Signs of Heart Attack, Stroke & Kidney Disease

HEART ATTACK – Doctor Willie Ong pointed out its warning signs and as well as the initial symptoms of stroke and kidney disease.

Sadly, nowadays, more and more health conditions are becoming rampant and targeting people regardless of age and gender. Some of these health problems have led to the loss of several lives and many were left fighting against it.

These rampant health conditions include heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. The first two (2) health conditions mentioned can lead to sudden death. Do you know that they actually have warning signs?

In a video, Dr. Willie Ong cited the warning warning signs of heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease. Here are the lists of the theses signs that you must not take for granted:

Heart Attack Warning Signs (A month before)

  • fatigue
  • indigestion
  • chest pain
  • stomach pain
  • painful throat and jaw

Stroke Warning Signs ( A week before)

  • difficulty in pronouncing words clearly
  • fatigue
  • numbness
  • difficulty in balancing
  • dizziness
  • blurry vision

Kidney Disease Warning Signs

  • swollen feet
  • rashes
  • fast breathing
  • anemic
  • darkened skin on hands

Upon experiencing or noticing these warning signs for heart attack, stroke, and kidney disease as cited by Dr. Willie Ong in the post, it is best to go to the hospital or a doctor right away. You may be needing a medication to prevent it.

Thank you for visiting our website. We hope we have helped you with regards to this matter. You may keep coming back for more informative guides.

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