Signs of Sepsis? Do Not Ignore these Symptoms of this Life-Threatening Condition

SIGNS OF SEPSIS – Here are the symptoms that you should not ignore as they may indicate the possibility of sepsis.

There are health conditions that can progress inside the body without you being aware of it. One of them is sepsis which is life-threatening. It is important to know the signs of sepsis.

Sepsis Symptoms: Early Warning Signs Of This Serious Condition

Here are the sepsis symptoms and early warning signs you must know.

SEPSIS SYMPTOMS – The following are the early signs and symptoms of a serious medical condition called sepsis which you need to know.

Considered a medical emergency is sepsis caused by how your body is responding to an infection and this serious condition is life-threatening. This is the result of widespread inflammation in the body wherein without immediate treatment, it can lead to quick tissue damage, organ failure, and death.

Sepsis Symptoms
Photo lifted from Home Dialysis Central

The following are the people at risk:

  • Old people aging 65 years and above
  • infants
  • pregnant woman
  • people diabetes, lung disease, cancer, and kidney disease
  • people who have a weak immune system
  • patients in a hospital
  • people with severe injuries such as large wounds or burns
  • patients with catheters (IVs, urinary catheters) or a breathing tube
  • sepsis survivors

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the symptoms are:

  • High heart rate or low blood pressure
  • Fever, shivering or feeling very cold
  • Confusion or disorientation
  • Shortness of breath
  • Extreme pain or discomfort
  • Clammy or sweaty skin

According to an article from Health Line, a sepsis becomes severe if there’s organ failure where the signs include:

  • patches of discolored skin
  • decreased urination
  • changes in mental ability
  • low platelet (blood clotting cells) count
  • problems breathing
  • abnormal heart functions
  • chills due to fall in body temperature
  • unconsciousness
  • extreme weakness

Any infection can actually trigger sepsis but pneumonia, abdominal infection, kidney infection, and bloodstream infection are the conditions that can more likely cause it. Is there any chance you can recover from this? The recovery accordingly depends on the severity of the condition and the Sepsis Alliance stated that around 50 percent of the survivors experience post-sepsis syndrome (PSS) including long-term effects like damaged organs, poor concentration, lowered self-esteem, and others.

The severe type of sepsis leads to death.


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