SESAME OIL BENEFITS – These are the many health benefits we can get from using sesame oil in cooking and among other things.
This one type of oil may seem unfamiliar to a few but this particular oil has a lot of benefits to health. Often, it is used to saute meats and vegetables. It can also be added to dressings and marinades for flavor and nutrients.
Sesame Oil – Health Benefits and Uses Of This Oil
Is sesame oil good for you? Here are some things to know including its benefits and uses in cooking.
SESAME OIL – If you have already heard of sesame oil, here are some details about this type of oil you probably don’t know yet.
Have you heard of canola oil, olive oil, and avocado oil and used them? How about sesame oil? This oil is actually a famous ingredient in Chinese, Japanese, and Middle Eastern cuisines. It is made from raw or toasted sesame seeds. This seed comes from the sesame plant (Sesamum indicium).

The seeds themselves are high in protein and B vitamins but when oil is extracted from them, these nutrients are not retained. Fatty acids and antioxidants, on the other hand, are the ones that stay. The oil extracted from raw seeds has a lighter color compared to the ones from toasted varieties which have a darker color and richer and nuttier taste.
Here are some of its benefits to health:
- The powerful antioxidants it has, sesamol and sesaminol, can give significant benefits to one’s health.
- This can help reduce inflammation.
- It is rich in omega-6 fatty acids, a polyunsaturated fat.
- It can help manage blood sugar levels.
- Some research limited to animal studies found that it can help with arthritis.
- It can help improve sleep quality and healthy hair according to a post from Healthline.
How do you cook with this oil?
The oil with the lighter color is used in much similar ways when using canola or vegetable oil. It can be used for frying, roasting, stir-frying, and sauteeing.
The darker one, on the other hand, is best used for cooking on low or medium heat. This is not ideal for deep-frying. It is best added at the end or after cooking. It is also best to drizzle on dishes and be added to salad dressings, marinades, and sauces.
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