FACE MASK – Why It Is Important To Wear It As To Doc Willie Ong

Doc Willie Ong Explains Why It’s Important To Wear Face Mask

FACE MASK – Doctor Willie Ong explained why it is important for the health to wear it most especially for those living in Manila.

Undeniably, Philippines is one of the countries with very polluted air – most especially in Manila. Such air-pollution come from the inappropriate burning of plastic materials, dirty surroundings, and the air pollution released by cars and other vehicles.

This is the reason why a lot of people now are suffering from colds and having phlegm most of the time. This air pollution also greatly affects individuals who are asthmatic. It can ignite an asthma attack.

Air pollution does not only pose health risks to asthmatic people but to everyone. It can ignite the onset of a pulmonary problem or a lung condition.

Face Mask by Doc Willie Ong

Based on a video of Doc Willie Ong, air pollution can lead to more serious effects. Shorter life span, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, lung cancer, stroke, obesity, and depression are among those that point to it.

According to Doc Willie, there are signs that show you have been exposed to air pollution. These may be felt or experienced following an air pollution:

  • shortness of breath
  • wheezing or coughing
  • fatigue
  • chest pain

Based on the video, to prevent exposure to air pollution, Doc Willie Ong advises the wearing of face mask. It can help filter materials like microns and dust from entering the body. It is really best to wear one most especially if you are in Manila.

Doc Willie reminded that it is best to preserve our lungs. He stressed that there is no replacement to it.


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