Bad Food Additives — These Nutrional Facts Are Unhealthy for the Body

BAD FOOD ADDITIVES – Here is a guide on the nutritional facts content that are actually not healthy for the human body but many people are not aware of it.

Many people do not anymore check the nutritional facts when buying products in the grocery store. Moreover, many people are not aware of the bad food additives that are even stated in the labels.

Food Additives – Guide on Unhealthy Additives You May Spot in Food Labels

List of Unhealthy Food Additives You Must Avoid

FOOD ADDITIVES – Here is a guide on unhealthy additives that you may spot in labels of foods and avoid to prevent their negative effects.

The food you buy in grocery stores has several ingredients. Truths be told that only some people are into checking the food labels or the nutritional facts.

However, aside from eating fruits and vegetables, exercising daily, and getting enough rest and sleep, another hack to staying healthy is checking the food labels when you buy food.

It is in the food content or labels where you will find the food additives. These are ingredients used to enhance the flavor of the food, extend its shelf life, or enhance the appearance of the food.

Food Additives
Photo: Emaze

However, there are food additives which have negative impacts on the body. Here is a list of some additives usually found in food labels but are actually not healthy for the body:

  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) – This food additive is used in enhancing the flavor of dishes. It is usually used in frozen foods, canned soups, and salty snacks. However, it can contribute to weight gain and some who have sensitivity to it may experience sweating, headache, and numbness.
  • Artificial Food Coloring – Some products use coloring to enhance the physical appearance of food. However, based on an article on Healthline, some food coloring are facing concerns of risk of cancer.
  • Sodium Nitrite – The sodium nitrite is usually use in processed meats as it adds a salty flavor and reddish-pink in color. It can turn into nitrosamine when heated and it is linked to high risk of stomach cancer.
  • Guar Gum – This food additive is used to bind foods and thicken the food – like in ice cream, sauces, and salad dressings. However, huge amounts of it may lead to obstruction in the stomach as it can swell up to 20 times.
  • High-Fructose Corn Syrup – Based on the article, this food additive is linked to weight gain and diabetes. It is usually present in juice, candy, soda, breakfast cereals, and snack foods.

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