Appendicitis Symptoms: List of Signs You Must Not Take Seriously

Guide on Appendicitis Symptoms To Watch Out For

APPENDICITIS SYMPTOMS – Here is a guide on the health signs that you must not take for granted as they may be pointing to appendicitis.

One of the health cases that require urgent medical attention and surgery is appendicitis. It is a condition wherein the appendix, a finger-shaped pouch in the lower right side of the abdomen, is inflamed.

However, its signs can undeniably be mistaken with other health concerns thus not everyone who goes through it get immediate medical attention.

Appendicitis is a risky condition and can lead to a worse scenario if not treated right away. Meanwhile, it often has persistent signs that seem unbearable not to see a doctor.

Appendicitis Symptoms
Photo: Verywell Health

There are several appendicitis symptoms that are actually common among many other health concerns. Meanwhile, in this article, we will determine the set that best describes this health condition.

Based on an article on NHS, appendicitis symptoms usually start with pain in the abdomen or the middle of your stomach. It is not consistent but the pain will travel within a few hours to the lower right-hand side. It is where the appendix is. The pain will become constant and severe.

One of the ways usually practiced by health experts in checking the pain is by pressing it or letting the patient walk. In the case of appendicitis, pressing on the area, walking, or coughing make the pain worse.

Aside from the pain, here is a list of other appendicitis symptoms that you must take seriously:

  • feeling sick (nausea)
  • being sick
  • loss of appetite
  • constipation or diarrhea
  • high temperature
  • flushed face

If you experience these signs and most especially if your abdominal pain is getting worst, it is best to seek medical attention the soonest time possible. Appendicitis requires surgery and there are a lot of factors considered by doctors.

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