Parmesan Cheese Benefits? This cheese actually has a lot to offer…

PARMESAN CHEESE BENEFITS – Parmigiano-Reggiano or more commonly called Parmesan cheese actually has a lot to offer to the body.

A lot of people love to eat cheese. They like to have it with bread, pasta, or simply take it as it is. Cheese is not only appealing as it is to kids but as well as to adults and it is irresistible not to get a slice of it when someone is making cuts, isn’t it?

When it comes to cheese, there are several varieties – there are the cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, blue cheese, burrata, bocconcini, and camembert among others. One of the most popular cheese is parmesan.

Also called by its longer name, Parmigiano-Reggiano, the parmesan cheese hails from a region in Northern Italy. It is usually the cheese used by Italian restaurants on their menu.

Parmesan Cheese Benefits

Based on an article on Insider, there are several parmesan cheese benefits as it is made from a special dairy that uses fresh milk from cows “that have never been fed with dried animal feed or silage”.

Parmesan Cheese Benefits:

  • Powerhouse of nutrients and vitamins. It is an excellent source of protein, fat, calcium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, and Vitamins A, B6, and B12.
  • Lactose-free. There are individuals who suffer gastrointestinal problems due to lactose intolerance and the parmesan cheese which is lactose-free is the best option for these people.
  • Beneficial for the bone health. All cheese including the parmesan cheese are rich in calcium which promotes healthy bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

According to registered dietician nutritionist Lea Silberman, harder cheeses like the parmesan are the best options for the health as they have high protein content but they are still low in fat.

Based on the article, a report published in the US National Library of Medicine also tagged parmesan cheese as easy to digest because of its probiotic effects and its calcium content. Time to switch to parmesan cheese?

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