These are the worst foods you can eat if you have high blood pressure or hypertension.
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE – Here are the foods and the types of foods that you should not eat or avoid if you have high blood pressure.
To get your hypertension or high blood pressure under control, the culprits from your diet must be eliminated. Hypertension, if left untreated can result in various serious health conditions like heart attack and stroke.
SEE: HIGH BLOOD SYMPTOMS – 6 Risky Signs of High Blood Pressure / Hypertension

There are surely a lot of ways to do to keep your blood pressure under control and on top of it must be on your diet. The foods you eat may contribute to either managing it or worsening your condition.
Check out below the culprits in your diet that you must get rid of:
- Packaged foods and foods from restaurants are high in sodium. Frozen foods are also packed with sodium. It’s best to avoid these kind of foods.
- Other foods that contain high sodium included chips, crackers, and popcor. Go to a healthier option like nuts, chips, seeds, or pretzels with low or no sodium at all. Carrots and celery can also give you the same crunch but they are healthy.
- Pickled foods has a lot of sodium.
- Bread may not be salty in taste but it does have. Apart from the sugar it has, it has sodium which is why the whole-grain version of it is always the best choice.
- Tomato juice and sauces has sodium but there are products that have a lower amount of this.
- Hot dogs, corned beef, bacon, and sausage and other processed meats has tons of sodium. Instead, choose fishes, chicken, and lean meat.
- Pizza, everyone’s favorite, is also a culprit. Choose the thin one with the vegetable on it as a healthy option.
- Alcoholic drinks can also make the blood pressure strike up.
- Other condiments like ketchup, soy sauce, and salad dressings have sodium in it. Try other alternatives like lemon juice and vinegar as per a post from WebMD.
Experts suggest that people with hypertension must do the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet to lower blood pressure. Foods like fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, whole grains, chicken, fish, beans, and nuts are recommended foods.
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