These are the uses of coriander and the benefits it can bring to the body.
CORIANDER – Here are the surprising health benefits of coriander, a spice commonly used in various dishes and cuisines.
Asian, Latin, Indian dishes, and European cuisines have at least one thing in common, the use of coriander. This famous spice is from the coriander plant (Coriandrum sativum), a parsley family member.

The plant’s seeds produce coriander while the leaves of the plant are called cilantro. The plant is native to Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.
The seeds have a pleasing lemony flavor and floral aroma and it goes very well when added with other spices called the “C” club such as chili powder, cinnamon, curry, and cumin, and in many other recipes.
In cooking, you may use the seeds in spice rubs, marinades, chilis, sauces, soups, and curries. It tastes well with onions, bell peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes.
Here are the health benefits of this:
- A study done on animals proved that this helps remove sugar in the blood by promoting enzyme activity.
- It contains powerful antioxidants that prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals and fight inflammation.
- Compounds like terpinene, quercetin, and tocopherols are also present in this which have anti-cancer properties, boost the immune system, and have neuroprotective effects.
- According to another study, it functions as diuretic flushing out excess sodium and water from the body which results in lower blood pressure.
- It protects the heart by lowering blood pressure and LDL (bad) cholesterol and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.
- The anti-inflammatory properties of this may safeguard us against brain ailments like Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, and multiple sclerosis.
- One study done on animals showed that coriander and a common anxiety medication called Diazepam exposed the same effects in reducing and managing anxiety.
- It may promote healthy digestion and improved gut health.
- Dodecenal, a compound that the seeds have, can fight against Salmonella and a test-tube study indicated that it can also fight against the bacteria that cause urinary tract infection (UTI).
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