Cinnamon Powder Uses – How To Use Cinnamon Powder

What are the different cinnamon powder uses? Find out here!

CINNAMON POWDER USES – These are the various ways where cinnamon powder would be put to good use and its health benefits.

A spice that comes from the branches of Cinnamomum family trees is cinnamon which is native to the Caribbean, South America, and Southeast Asia. During medieval times, this spice was also used to treat coughing, arthritis, and sore throats.

Cinnamon Powder Uses
Photo lifted from Food Hacks

Some studies found that this has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial properties. Moreover, this might offer protection against cancer and cardiovascular disease but there’s still a need for further study and research to confirm these claims.

Among its health benefits include:

  • protects the body from oxidative damage
  • lower risk of heart disease
  • reduce blood sugar level
  • fight infection
  • reduce inflammation

Now, to add some knowledge to what you already know, here are some tips on how to use cinnamon or cinnamon powder.

Here are some ways:

  1. Sprinkling the right amount will create a depth of flavor, taste, and aroma in your dessert. Make sure to not put too much as it might give an overpowering taste instead of improving it.
  2. You may add this to your breakfast bowl, muffins, pancakes, or waffles.
  3. Sprinkle some on your coffee or tea.
  4. A pinch of cinnamon on your smoothie will give it a kick.

Desserts like cinnamon rolls, hot cross buns, morning buns, cookies, pies, rice pudding, French toast, and churros are just some that are best with a pinch of cinnamon on them.

Based on a post from My Recipes, chocolate, beef, lamb, chicken, fish, apples, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, pork, and carrots are as well best eaten when paired with cinnamon.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2.6 grams of cinnamon has the following nutrition:

  • energy: 6.42 calories
  • carbohydrates: 2.1 g
  • calcium: 26.1 milligrams (mg)
  • iron: 0.21 mg
  • magnesium: 1.56 mg
  • phosphorus: 1.66 mg
  • potassium: 11.2 mg
  • vitamin A: 0.39 micrograms


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