Calcium Rich Foods – Here’s A List

CALCIUM RICH FOODS – Here’s a list of foods that are rich sources of calcium and that you must include in your diet.

Bones and teeth are strengthened by calcium. But apart from this, calcium has other health benefits such as making the heart healthy, improving muscle function, and nerve signaling. Here are the healthy sources of this nutrient.

Calcium Foods: List Of Foods That Are High In Calcium

Here are some calcium foods that you must know and must eat for bones and teeth.

CALCIUM FOODS – A guide about the foods that are rich in calcium which you must include in your diet for stronger bones and teeth.

What makes up our bones and teeth is calcium. Aside from that, it plays a great role in heart health, muscle function, and nerve signaling. In fact, you have an abundant amount of calcium in your body more than any other mineral.

Calcium Foods

Based on age, we have a required amount of calcium daily but sometimes, most people tend to forget about this. Check out the amount below according to age as per Office of Dietary Supplements:

  • 0–6 months: 200 milligrams (mg)
  • 7–12 months: 260 mg
  • 1–3 years: 700 mg
  • 4–8 years: 1,000 mg
  • 9–18 years: 1,300 mg
  • 19–50 years: 1,000 mg
  • 51–70 years: 1,000 mg for males and 1,200 mg for females
  • 71 years and above: 1,200 mg

Now, here are some great sources of foods both dairy and non-dairy:

  • yogurt
  • milk
  • fortified dairy alternatives, such as soy milk
  • sardines and salmon
  • cheese
  • tofu
  • green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, turnip leaves, watercress, and kale
  • many fortified breakfast cereals
  • fortified fruit juices
  • nuts and seeds, especially almonds, sesame, and chia
  • legumes and grains
  • cornmeal and corn tortillas
  • soy milk
  • white beans
  • broccoli
  • sweet potatoes
  • okra
  • oranges
  • canned sardines, salmon, and shrimp

Eating diverse of foods from those stated above may help you meet your daily calcium need. While dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are considered as main sources of this but seafood, leafy greens, legumes, dried fruit, tofu and various foods that are fortified with calcium are also great sources.

These non-dairy foods is good for people who are vegans and lactose intolerant.


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