These problems can be treated with salt water according to Doc Willie Ong.
Doc Willie Ong shares vital and true information about salt water gargle which accordingly treats sore throat, colds, toothache, and gum problem.
Gargling of water with salt has certain benefits to some conditions that even the public health expert Doc Willie Ong, also practices this kind of method to treat his tonsillitis. In a cup of warm water, dissolve one-fourth or half a teaspoon of salt, then, gargle the solution.

Several studies found that gargling this mixture helps if you have a sore throat by reducing the swelling, loosen mucus, and flushing out bacteria or other irritants. Aside from sore throat, it is also okay to use this for canker sore, bleeding gums, toothache, oral infection, for bad breath, and for cleaning the mouth. This also aids flu and colds.
Some benefits of gargling water with salt include reduction of bacteria, remove mucus and phlegm, and prevents bad breath. How often should you do this? Doc Willied suggests twice or thrice in a day and gargling it for 30 to 45 seconds.
As for colds and flu, other treatments aside from gargling this mixture are the following:
- garlic
- eating Vitamin C rich foods
- chicken soup
- zinc
And for oral health, according to Doc Willie, dentists also suggests gargling salt water for it cleans the mouth and the teeth including the swelling of the gums. This is done after brushing your teeth.
He also clarified that this method, unfortunately, does not prevent diseases but it has its fair share of benefits.
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- BLOOD SUGAR – Symptoms of Low and High Blood Sugar
- BLURRY VISION – Doc Willie Ong Tips For Old People w/ Blurred Vision
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